Friday, May 1st, 2009...10:30 pm
Bottling Apples
My parents have many fruit and nut trees so again, I count myself fortunate. Several of these are cooking apples which pulp up really nicely for bottling.
For every 1kg of peeled and sliced apple (in eigths), add ½ cup sugar and 1 cup water. Simmer gently until stewed and right consistency. This simmering time depends on several factors including size of preserving pan, type of apple and quantity of apple, but may take about 40 minutes. Meanwhile, sterilize preserving jars in oven at 120oC for at least 15 minutes, heat preserving seals and rings in a pot of hot/boiled water. Pour apple into the sterilized jars and seal. Makes just over 2 half preserving jars per kg of apples.