Friday, May 1st, 2009...10:28 pm
Spicy Feijoa Chutney
This chutney is a must make. I am fortunately enough to have a friend at work that gives me feijoas from her tree – thanks Kim!
2 cups feijoa flesh, scooped and diced
2 large onions, peeled and diced
½ cup sultanas
1 cup soft brown sugar
2 cups cider vinegar
1 tsp salt
1 T curry powder
Place all ingredients in a preserving pan. Bring to the boil, stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Turn down the heat and simmer for 30-45 minutes, stirring often until the chutney is thick and syrupy. Meanwhile, sterilize preserving jars in oven at 120oC for at least 15 minutes, heat preserving seals and rings in a pot of hot/boiled water. Ladle into sterilized jars and seal well.