Friday, July 31st, 2009...6:21 pm
Healthy Egg Breakfast Recipes
The last few weeks I have taken to adding protein into my breakfast meals so here are my fave quick and easy recipes:
Quick Panfried Omelett
Spray a small non-stick frypan with baking spray and preheat to high. Beat 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg with a fork. Cut a few heads of Italian flat leaf parsley, roughly chopped. Pour into hot pan when oil is clear. When omelett is white around the edge and bubbled white in the middle then flip over and cook on the other side. Serve on toast.
Quick Panfried Scrambled Eggs: As above except instead of setting omelett in the pan, stir it around with a fishslice.
Weekend Omelet
Beat with a fork 2 egg whites, 1 whole egg, dash of milk. Cut strips of kumara and microwave for 1 minute. Add this to egg mixture. Slice 1 small carrot and 2 florets of broccoli. Add to egg mixture. Spray a small frying pan with baking spray and heat until clear. Preheat grill to 180oC. Pour mixture into pan and cook base, then place in oven and cook the top.
- Replace kumara with potato, pumpkin, yam, frozen corn kernels or serve on toast.
- Replace other vegies with zucchini; silverbeet or spinach; frozen stir-fry vegies, peas or beans.
- Replace vegies with small tin tuna or salmon and some frozen corn kernels. Serve on toast.
Microwave Omelette
Beat with a fork in a small bowl: 2 egg whites, 1 whole egg. Microwave for 2 ½ minutes. Remove and mash with a fork. Serve on 2 slices of GF toast.
- Scrambled Eggs: Mash with a fork after cooking
- Add 1-2 slices of bacon, cooked between a folded paper towel for 2 minutes in the microwave. Slice and stir-through.
- Add a little canned salmon or tuna, chopped chives or parsley
2 Poached Eggs on GF Toast
2 hard boiled eggs with GF toast soliders