Wednesday, January 28th, 2009...6:26 pm
Preserved Peaches
I am so lucky to have parents with fruit trees and it just so happened that this week a box of peaches arrived along with my mum and I didn’t even have to pick them! Having never bottled peaches before (as I used to just rely on her to flick me some of the finished product) I was eager to get bottling.
Here is the basic recipe:
NB: 1 kg of sliced peaches makes just over 2 half sized preserving jars
1 kg ripe unblemished peaches
1 cup white sugar
3 cups water
preserving jars
seals and bands
Peel firm peaches with a potato feeler and softer peaches with a knife, before cutting slices off the stone. Weigh sliced fruit. In a large preserving pan combine the desired amounts of sugar and water and bring to a gentle simmer. Carefully add peaches to the syrup and cook until just tender – this won’t take very long. Pack fruit into jars with a layer of syrup at the top. Slip a long knife down the inside of the jar to release air bubbles and top up with syrup again. Place on a seal and screw the band in place before setting aside to cool.