Thursday, May 21st, 2009...12:35 am
Gluten-Free Fish Pie
I am not a fan of smoked fish but this fish pie I love as its more kumara based than fish. With a husband that spearfishes any chance he can get, fresh moki is a regular but usually smoked and given away, not this time!
Serves 6-8
1 small moki, smoked (about 700g smoked), boned, largely flaked
1 kg kumara (about 3 large kumara), peeled, diced, boiled, mashed
2 T semisoft butter
4 T maize cornflour
1 tsp crushed garlic
1 T dried parsley
2 cups milk
1 ½ cups grated cheese
5 T GF breadcrumbs
Preheat oven to 180oC. In a pot over low heat melt butter and garlic, stir in cornflour and whisk. Gradually add the milk, a little at a time as it thickens, whisking constantly. When thickened add parsley and cheese, stir through. Pour cheese sauce over the mashed potato and mix well. Add drained fish flakes and stir through. Pour into a large ovenproof dish. Sprinkle breadcrumbs over top and bake on fanbake for 30 minutes or until heated through and lightly browned.